Download judge dredd movie 1995
Download judge dredd movie 1995

Fargo assigns Dredd to teaching ethics at the academy a few days per week. He believes Dredd when the judge tells him that the executions were unavoidable. Dredd reports to Chief Justice Fargo, who questions Dredd's hardened methods of summary execution. Fergee claims he's innocent and was hiding from the block warriors, however, Dredd refuses to be swayed and dismisses Fergee to re-incarceration. Outside the apartment, he finds Fergee hiding in a servo-droid and finds him guilty as a repeat offender, giving him five more years in Aspen. Dredd kills everyone but the block war leader and charges him with several violations of the Mega City Municipal Code, before summarily executing him for the candidate's murder. Hershey's candidate is killed when he rushes into the command post and is shot immediately. He leads an assault on the block warriors, dispatching several of them rapidly with his pistol, the Lawgiver 2.

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Hershey calls immediately for backup, which arrives in the form of Judge Joseph Dredd, the most famous of all the Street Judges. Street Judges Hershey and her candidate judge respond to the block war.

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Fergee finds himself an unwitting accomplice, passing ammunition to the block warriors. Gangsters have set up their command post in his new apartment and have opened fire on their rivals in another building and on the street, 40 stories below.

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He arrives at his new home, Heavenly Haven, a dangerous neighborhood which is embroiled in a vicious "block" war. When the story opens, Herman "Fergee" Ferguson is returning to Mega City 1 after serving a sentence in the Aspen Penal Colony.

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A new order has risen, that of the Street Judges, who are "judge, jury and executioner", possessing the license to fight criminals, pronounce sentences and summarily execute them if necessary. Most people have moved to a few "mega" cities, where, due to the rampant population increase, law and order have collapsed. A scrolling and narrated prologue opens the film: in the Third Millennium (the 21st Century), the Earth's ecosystem has become polluted and altered, leaving much of the world's landmass a barren desert called the Cursed Earth.

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